Computer Science Daily Dose Science Technology

Paper of Note: Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection

Introduction Raytracing is modern computer graphics technique used to render life-like images for videos and animations. While it’s a relatively modern technique–coinciding with the birth of digital modeling–the inspiration for the methods can be traced back to ancient Greece. While some Greeks truly believed that our eye’s emit the ability to see and not that our […]

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Daily Dose Farm Science Technology

If I were a farmer…

While checking out the latest headlines and otherwise perusing the PLOSONE site in search of some new and interesting research, I came across a meta-analysis that sounded interesting. With the provocative title of ‘A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops’ [ref]Klumper and Qaim, A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops. PLoS ONE 9(11): […]

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Daily Dose

Cooking with Ian

As one of those experimental projects I like to try out every so often, I filmed Ian and myself cooking Pumpkin Cookies. While I had no real ambition for the top charts with this video, I wanted to try out something novel and enjoyable with my brother. Besides, it was a great opportunity to learn […]

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Daily Dose

Planning Ahead

With all that we have going on at the farm it is easy to lose focus on the larger picture of what possibilities of what this farmhouse actually represents. while dealing with stripping the plaster off the walls inside, shingling the exterior, and wiring in a whole system of new electrical plugs and switches, it […]

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Daily Dose

Minecraft Mods

Once again I found myself in a roll best categorized under the heading of “parent” as I strove to figure out how to install a mod on my brother’s game, minecraft. While this is certainly not a particularly novel arrangement as I am sure that numerous people have groped their way through such things before–especially […]

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Daily Dose


All too often we let the satisfaction of living our lives the way we imagine to be relegated solely to our imaginations. While it is hard not to fall into the trap of claiming that we are too busy or our schedules don’t work out or that it costs too much, most of the time […]

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