Daily Dose

Some Frightful Freight Fun

Primarily for logistical reasons I was put in charge of the Stukel lab’s cruise preparation for the upcoming CCE LTER process cruise (P1908). Overall the cruise prep went smoothly except that we’re still waiting for a few last minute order to come in. Since out lab group is taking on a lot more responsibilities for […]

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Daily Dose

The world of tools: introduction

I’ve been kicking around an idea for a while to write a series of articles and resources that detail different sets of tools based on the project at hand. Since I’ve used a lot of tools on a menagerie of projects, it seems right to try to share some of what I’ve learned along the […]

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Daily Dose

Back out to Sea

The eve of my departure is finally here, yet I am feeling less sanguine than expected. More than likely, it has something to do with the length of these upcoming travels and the scale from which I see them. besides, I’ve never found the easy uncertainty and the foreshadowing calm very easy or calming, I’d […]

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Daily Dose

Announcing a new series: Call me Ishmael

To commemorate my first cruise, as well as organizing the next set of articles by theme, there will be a new series of posts titled “Call me Ishmael” dealing with the 2016 CCE RAPID cruise. This cruise, CCE-P1604 to be precise, has been chock full of new experiences which may be beneficial for my own […]

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