Computer Science R Programming Science

Analyzing YSI data through clustering

Update 10/13/15 – Minor improvements to code and an update to the latest findings. CTD data (conductivity, temperature and depth) from a YSI provides a quick and methodologically simple way to estimate the current water column state by, literally, dropping an instrument off the side of a boat. During each deployment the YSI records the […]

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Computer Science R Programming Science

Markov Chain Monte Carlo: A Practical Introduction

Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation sounds, admittedly, like a method better left to professional practitioners and the like; but please don’t let the esoteric name fool you. MCMC, as we like to call is, is a powerful yet deceptively simple technique that can be useful in problems ranging throughout science and engineering. Since this promises […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose R Programming

Which Witch is Which

This post is an elaboration of an iRKernel Notebook which can be found at For a previous article on the iPython Notebook, see here. Every programming language comes pre-packaged with certain basic functions, or methods, that are considered standard. These generally include methods for sorting objects, conversions between basic types (e.g. integer $\leftrightarrow$ float […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose Philosophy & Religion

Paper of Note: Re-designing Distance Functions and Distance-Based Applications for High Dimensional Data

While it may be argued–and successfully so–that this is an article pertaining to an esoteric subset of computer science that few people will ever find practically useful, you may actually find it quite intriguing. I’ve found the article quite eye-opening and I’m certainly no computer scientist. What this article does do, which I feel is critically […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose R Programming Science Technology

How Twitter Improved my Ecological Model

For a last couple weeks I’ve been working on a marine ecosystem model using a technique called Inverse Modeling[ref]I’ll be sure to do a writeup on what Inverse Modeling is and what makes it interesting in the future.[/ref]; and while there’s been lots of progress, I’m starting to get to the point where the model takes some […]

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Computer Science Physics Science

Computational Fluid Dynamics: Improving FTCS

Today I wanted to share as series of interesting finite difference schema that is much less about the implementation and more about the mathematical underpinnings of the system. This is intended for someone who may be new to finite difference models yet found feel confident with the material I presented last time (Finite Difference Schema). […]

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