Daily Dose Tallahassee

Home Workshop

Over the last couple days I’ve been working pretty hard trying to get a home workshop together, and I wanted to share the progress I’ve made. My house has an attached 1 car garage which also houses both the laundry area and the trash bins, so space is a bit tight. Let’s jump right in […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose R Programming

Which Witch is Which

This post is an elaboration of an iRKernel Notebook which can be found at http://misc.tkelly.org/Which_Witch.html. For a previous article on the iPython Notebook, see here. Every programming language comes pre-packaged with certain basic functions, or methods, that are considered standard. These generally include methods for sorting objects, conversions between basic types (e.g. integer $\leftrightarrow$ float […]

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Art Daily Dose

Photos of Photos

I’ve discovered a new technique in post-processing images that I feel holds a lot of promise when making prints that you want to be captivating and expressive. To save you from the details here are a few examples of the results. Since I am no artist I make no claims for the images except that I like […]

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Daily Dose

Sunday Gardening

Continuing what now seems like a weekly tradition, I took care of some of the yardwork on my TODO list this morning. When at it, I decided to upgrade the plants off the front of my front porch since the four that were there are either dead or dying.  

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Daily Dose Tallahassee


Today was the first biannual Tsunami Invitational Golf Tournament which is to say that a group of oceanographers and meteorologists got together for a round of golf. The game was best ball and there were ten people including me. Everyone there was considerably older than I which actually worked out quite well since I really haven’t […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose Philosophy & Religion

Paper of Note: Re-designing Distance Functions and Distance-Based Applications for High Dimensional Data

While it may be argued–and successfully so–that this is an article pertaining to an esoteric subset of computer science that few people will ever find practically useful, you may actually find it quite intriguing. I’ve found the article quite eye-opening and I’m certainly no computer scientist. What this article does do, which I feel is critically […]

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Daily Dose Science Technology

Working with HYCOM

So far this week I’ve been focusing my energies on getting the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) up and running on my computer. For those of you who don’t know what HYCOM is a modeling platform sponsored by the National Ocean Partnership Program which includes–among others–FSU. Simply put, the HYCOM platform is a powerful ocean-atmospheric […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose R Programming Science Technology

How Twitter Improved my Ecological Model

For a last couple weeks I’ve been working on a marine ecosystem model using a technique called Inverse Modeling[ref]I’ll be sure to do a writeup on what Inverse Modeling is and what makes it interesting in the future.[/ref]; and while there’s been lots of progress, I’m starting to get to the point where the model takes some […]

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Daily Dose

Small Upgrades

I’ve always been amazed at what a small change or minute improvement can do for the aesthetics of a scene.  Something as simple as clean window or as matching sets of items can really a significant improvement, so it was with this mindset that I decided to take a trip to Lowes and upgrade a […]

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Daily Dose Travel

All about Vibration

I just finished reading a great, short article by Jan Heine in the January edition of Adventure Cyclist and thought I should share it. While most articles in a magazine about bike riding and touring would not be a great fit for the content here, this one is a bit different. Jan surveys the causes […]

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