Current Projects

Alaska Science Stories

Alaska Science Stories is an outreach program seeking to understand the efficacy and value of 360 degree filmography for STEAM education. Through this program we bring middle school students and general audience into the Arctic to experience what field science is really like. Check out our website!

SEAS the Change

SEAS is a synthesis project bringing together observations from the Bering and Chukchi Seas to learn more about how nutrient supplies are changing and how that will impact the lower trophic levels of the Pacific Arctic.

Proposal document[pdf] [pdf_scienceOnly]
Project Budget[xlsx]
Budget Justification[docx]
Introduction Powerpoint[pptx]
2023 Progress Report[docx]

Alaskan Marine Dynamics from Ocean Color

A combined education-science project investigating optical properties of the Gulf of Alaska for use in traditional remote sensing and in novel applications for fisheries oceanography.

Proposal document[pdf]
Modification to Proposal[pdf]
Proposal Budget (edited)[xlsx]

Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER

A long term ecological research site located in the sub-polar Gulf of Alaska. This program maintains an extensive field campaign including oceanographic voyages, moorings, and gliders.

Proposal Document[pdf] [pdf_core]
Project Budget[xlsx]
Project Management Plan[docx]
Facilities Document[docx]

UxS Imaging Glider

A NOAA funded project to demonstrate utility of in situ glider-based particle imaging in assessing real-time ecosystem state in Alaskan waters.

Trace Metal Fluxes

Quantification of trace metal fluxes (e.g. Fe, Ba, Mn, Zn, Al) in sinking particles is an important, fundamental constrain on euphotic zone processes. We have completed process studies in the Pacific and Indian Oceans to study how, where, and why trace metals are partitioned into sinking particles.

Notable Collaborations

Machine Learning: CCE + NGA LTER

A cross-site synthesis activity linking pelagic imaging efforts underway in both the CCE LTER and NGA LTER sites.

Ecosystem Dynamics: Pelagic LTER Synthesis

A cross-site, LTER-funded synthesis group focused on testing 4 fundamental ecological theories across our four LTER sites (NGA, CCE, NES, and PAL).

DOC in Coastal Alaska


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