Tonight after my first full day since moving to Tallahassee I had some free time, so I decided to reward myself for getting some paperwork sorted out (as well as some other odds & ends taken care of). [ref]Note, how should I rearrange the grammatical arrangement of this sentence to fix the terminating preposition?[/ref] Since I am hoping to spend more time taking in the arts and culture that Tallahassee has to offer [ref]I should I taken better advantage of the art scene offered in Boston. Let’s make sure we don’t let two cities pass me by.[/ref], I went to the local AMC theater to watch Wild. Having read the memoir I had a fair idea of what the movie would offer and it did live up to these expectations.
Now that I have seen a movie at the local AMC, I am happy to say that I will probably be making regular use of it. While it is definitely not the Tallahassee version of The Coolidge, it may be the closest this city has to offer. [ref]This AMC does sport a beer and wine bar…[/ref]
Within the same mall there is also a Barnes & Noble which offers the opportunity to spend time reading and at their café before heading off for a film. Hmmm.