Computer Science R Programming Science

Markov Chain Monte Carlo: A Practical Introduction

Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation sounds, admittedly, like a method better left to professional practitioners and the like; but please don’t let the esoteric name fool you. MCMC, as we like to call is, is a powerful yet deceptively simple technique that can be useful in problems ranging throughout science and engineering. Since this promises […]

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Daily Dose Science Technology

Working with HYCOM

So far this week I’ve been focusing my energies on getting the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) up and running on my computer. For those of you who don’t know what HYCOM is a modeling platform sponsored by the National Ocean Partnership Program which includes–among others–FSU. Simply put, the HYCOM platform is a powerful ocean-atmospheric […]

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Philosophy & Religion Science

Philosophy Monday: The Role of Instruments in Science

The use of instruments and tools to understand, measure, and record the natural world may be a staple of modern scientific inquiry, but the relationship between the instruments and their validity in describing the natural world has developed over time. This relationship has changed considerably since the earliest recorders of Greek natural philosophy started over […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose R Programming Science Technology

How Twitter Improved my Ecological Model

For a last couple weeks I’ve been working on a marine ecosystem model using a technique called Inverse Modeling[ref]I’ll be sure to do a writeup on what Inverse Modeling is and what makes it interesting in the future.[/ref]; and while there’s been lots of progress, I’m starting to get to the point where the model takes some […]

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Philosophy & Religion Science

Philosophy Monday: The Baconian Ideal

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) has been–and will continue to be–an infamous individual in the history of science for he managed to influence countless scientists from numerous generations through his keen understanding of human nature and his tremendous rhetorical skill. First in Novum Organum Scientiarum and later in New Atlantis, Bacon establishes his understanding of science along with a new methodology […]

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Computer Science Physics Science

Computational Fluid Dynamics: Improving FTCS

Today I wanted to share as series of interesting finite difference schema that is much less about the implementation and more about the mathematical underpinnings of the system. This is intended for someone who may be new to finite difference models yet found feel confident with the material I presented last time (Finite Difference Schema). […]

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Computer Science Daily Dose Science Technology

Paper of Note: Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection

Introduction Raytracing is modern computer graphics technique used to render life-like images for videos and animations. While it’s a relatively modern technique–coinciding with the birth of digital modeling–the inspiration for the methods can be traced back to ancient Greece. While some Greeks truly believed that our eye’s emit the ability to see and not that our […]

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Daily Dose Farm Science Technology

If I were a farmer…

While checking out the latest headlines and otherwise perusing the PLOSONE site in search of some new and interesting research, I came across a meta-analysis that sounded interesting. With the provocative title of ‘A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops’ [ref]Klumper and Qaim, A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops. PLoS ONE 9(11): […]

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Paper of Note: Chirality from Achiral Reactants

Introduction Chirality, or the handedness, of chemical compounds is an intrinsic property of many chemical compounds, especially those of interest to biology. While anyone familiar with biology will know that amino acids–the building blocks of proteins–are enantiomerically pure, it remains a lingering question of how it became this way. Nature generally proceeds forward without favoring […]

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Physics Science

Paper of Note: Many Interacting Worlds Theory

While mulling around yesterday before the Thankgsiving festivities, I decided to print off a new paper out in Physical Review X about a novel quantum interpretation and formulation [ref]Quantum Phenomena Modeled by Interactions between Many Classical Worlds. Phys. Rev. X 4, 041013 – Published 23 October 2014 Michael J. W. Hall, Dirk-AndrĂ© Deckert, and Howard M. Wiseman […]

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